31 tales illustrations by Dimitris Pantazis

Do you love tales, Alice in Wonderland and other stories ? Dimitris Pantazis love them too, they inspired him for a great serie of drawings he painted during Inktober 2018. Do you want to learn more about him and to have a look a his drawings ? Sit comfortably, it’s beginnng now. Once upon a time…

Once upon a time, there was a greek artist named Dimitris Pantazis. I discovered his art last year during Inktober. I already wrote about him in my first article about Jake Parker‘s challenge, how I liked the way he played with mythological characters.

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The magical doodle art world of Barbara Sroka

Barbara Sroka style will immerse you in a magical world populated with strange creatures and mysterious characters. Discover her art in a stunning video slideshow. Learn more about her favourite artists, her drawing material and her projects in an interview.

Barbara Sroka is a polish artist. I discovered her artworks during Inktober 2018 and i was really hooked by her style. There is something from Moebius and Kerby Rosanes in her stroke,  her drawings are populated with shamans, magic,  monster, fantastic buildings and so many details that immerse you in her amazing universe. In a few words : Barbara Sroka rocks!

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Valerie Bastille, Godess of Inktober

You want to know more about Valerie Bastille, who is drawing deities for Inktober 2018 ? Discover her art in a stunning slideshow. She will tell us about her favourite artists, her drawing material and her projects.

Valerie Bastille is a canadian illustrator living in Montreal. Her drawing are populated with divine women with big make-up eyes, fantastic animals and a subtile melange of black and gold, with nuance of purple sometime. All this ingredients create a magical universe defining her drawing style.

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Maria Dimova and the witches of Inktober

Unlock the doors leading to the wondeful magical illustrated world of Maria Dimova. Watch her mysterious witches in a stunning video! Discover her drawing material, favorites artists and future projects.

Maria Dimova is an illustrator from the Republic of Moldova. Her feminine portraits may be inspired by the fantasy litterature she reads. I love the way she plays with black and white adding some touch of color like red and blue. She seems particuliary focused on hair, with elaborate haidressing waving softly and magically…  (Version française de cet article disponible ici)

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