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First Week with Midjourney

Explore AI art created with Midjourney. Journey through vibrant galleries of comics style character design inspired by books, tarot and flowers.

Step right up, folks, and prepare to be amazed! Today, I’m pulling back the curtain on Midjourney, an AI generative image tool that’s as mind-boggling as it sounds.

Midjourney, my friends, is like a magic hat that pulls out rabbits, doves, and sometimes, a dancing Gandalf. It’s an AI-powered platform that takes your words – a description, a scene, or even a feeling – and poof! It transforms them into a unique, AI-generated image. It’s like having a personal genie, but instead of three wishes, you get an endless supply.

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Midjourney : The Magic of the Prompt

Join me on a whimsical journey as I navigate the world of Midjourney, an AI generative image tool. In this post, I share my initial experiences, from creating prompts to generating vibrant, imaginative images. Watch as I transform Gandalf the Grey into a dancing wizard in a vividly colored jacket! This isn’t just a tutorial, it’s a story of discovery, creativity, and a whole lot of fun. Whether you’re an artist, a Lord of the Rings fan, or just someone looking for a good laugh, this post is for you. Dive into the world of Midjourney today!


Recently, I had the pleasure of discovering Midjourney, an AI generative image tool that’s as intriguing as it sounds. As a novice in the realm of AI-generated art, my first task was to master the art of creating prompts. So, buckle up and join me as I recount my first foray into this fascinating world.

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Monstre dans les égouts [Writober – Épisode 3]

Attention aux mauvaises rencontres dans l’épisode 3 de mon Writober 2019. Dans les égouts, personne ne vous entend crier…

Le jeune homme était encore devant le magasin à compter ses billets quand le dépanneur abaissa le rideau métallique. Il récupéra le walkman sur le comptoir, pris la clé dans le tiroir avant de se rendre dans l’arrière-boutique. Il déplaça le distributeur de boissons qui cachait la trappe, prit sa lampe torche et son révolver avant d’ouvrir le cadenas.

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Cassette Hantée [Writober 2019 – Épisode 2 ]

Un étrange héritage dans cet épisode 2 de mon Writober 2019. Special guest star : David Bowie.

Il pose le walkman sur le comptoir.
— Bonjour, vous pouvez réparer ça ? Quoi que je mette dans ce truc, il joue du Bowie en boucle.
— Et ça vous dérange ?
— C’est un peu flippant, il joue même sans piles.

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Writober 2019 – Jour 1

Premier épisode de mon défi Writober 2019 avec David Bowie et le Major Tom en « guest stars ».

Cela fait 3 ans que je n’écris plus. Les meilleures choses ont sûrement une fin, mais les moins bonnes doivent aussi en avoir une 😉

Writober, kesako ?

Inspiré de Inktober, le challenge pour illustrateurs dont j’ai déjà parlé sur ce blog, Writober propose aux auteurs de relever le défi d’écrire 31 textes sur un thème imposé pendant tout le mois d’octobre.

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Chiara Bautista: the star wolf, the masked woman and the bunnies

Discover Chiara Bautista mysterious and poetical world of illustration. This talentous mexican artist has created two unforgettable characters : the Bunny Girl and her love, the Star Wolf.

Some artist are mysterious, but Chiara Bautista is pure mystery. Who is this great illustrator only posting from time to time on her Facebook? I really knew few things about her: she is mexican, she lives in Tucson, Arizona and work for newspapers.

All I really know is that I’m in love with her graphical poetical alternative universe and especially some of characters: a long white haired naked woman wearing a bunny mask on her head accompanied by her love, a star wolf. There are bunnies too, and a (sometime) talking skull.

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Inktober 2018: 31 Shades of Art (Episode 4)

Welcome six other talentuous artists from Inktober, a great drawing challenge.

Art is emotion. Art is one of my passions and I love to share my discoveries  with you.  Have a look at the drawings of six great artists from Inktober 2018. I hope you will be moved by their art.
Enjoy this emotional graphical ride 🙂

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Inktober 2018: 31 Shades of Art (Episode 2)

Tribute to talentuous artists of Inktober, the greatest drawing challenge of the year. This second episode features Heikala, Jim Bryson, Saoirse Lou and Maria Dimova.

I love Inktober’s diversity. Diversity of style, of origins, of point of views.  Some drawings amaze me, others drawings disturb me, some are questioning me, some are empowering me.
It’s all the magic of art

Speaking of magic: there will be many witches in today article. October is the Halloween month and the witchcraft theme inspire many artists.
There will be some monsters, too. And monsters are cool 😉 It’s interesting to ask ourselves why this monsters seem so frightening for us. Is it just because… Alright, enough deep questioning, enjoy this graphical ride 😉

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Inktober 2018: 31 Shades of Art (Episode 1)

Tribute to many of the talentuous artists of Inktober, the greatest drawing challenge of the year. This first episode features Dyru, Alfredo Cáceres, Brittney Lee and Martina Naldi.

December is here with all the Christmas stuff but Inktober is always on my mind. So many great artists I discovered every year, and every year the talent of this illustrators amazes me.
It take so many hours, creativity and energy for a 31 drawings challenge…
And many cups of coffee, too ;-).

This month I will publish seven articles tribute to this illustrators.
There was 31 days for Inktober, there will be 31 artists featured here.
There is no ranking order, it’s not a « top 31 » thing. It is just a ways to share about men and women with great artistic skills and a stunning creativity. Enjoy this graphical artistic ride 😉

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31 tales illustrations by Dimitris Pantazis

Do you love tales, Alice in Wonderland and other stories ? Dimitris Pantazis love them too, they inspired him for a great serie of drawings he painted during Inktober 2018. Do you want to learn more about him and to have a look a his drawings ? Sit comfortably, it’s beginnng now. Once upon a time…

Once upon a time, there was a greek artist named Dimitris Pantazis. I discovered his art last year during Inktober. I already wrote about him in my first article about Jake Parker‘s challenge, how I liked the way he played with mythological characters.

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The magical doodle art world of Barbara Sroka

Barbara Sroka style will immerse you in a magical world populated with strange creatures and mysterious characters. Discover her art in a stunning video slideshow. Learn more about her favourite artists, her drawing material and her projects in an interview.

Barbara Sroka is a polish artist. I discovered her artworks during Inktober 2018 and i was really hooked by her style. There is something from Moebius and Kerby Rosanes in her stroke,  her drawings are populated with shamans, magic,  monster, fantastic buildings and so many details that immerse you in her amazing universe. In a few words : Barbara Sroka rocks!

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Valerie Bastille, Godess of Inktober

You want to know more about Valerie Bastille, who is drawing deities for Inktober 2018 ? Discover her art in a stunning slideshow. She will tell us about her favourite artists, her drawing material and her projects.

Valerie Bastille is a canadian illustrator living in Montreal. Her drawing are populated with divine women with big make-up eyes, fantastic animals and a subtile melange of black and gold, with nuance of purple sometime. All this ingredients create a magical universe defining her drawing style.

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5 more artists you should follow during Inktober

Discover five new talentuous artists drawing their best on Jake Parker’s challenge : Inktober. And our surprise guest is back !

Inktober first week is almost done. Some artists decided not to make the challenge this year (like Moon, a great artists I presented in last week post: he’s to busy working on his next show). Many others artists are drawing every day and I’m really impressed by their styles and inspirations. Let’s discover 5 more talentuous artists ! And a surprise guest may be back, too 😉

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Maria Dimova and the witches of Inktober

Unlock the doors leading to the wondeful magical illustrated world of Maria Dimova. Watch her mysterious witches in a stunning video! Discover her drawing material, favorites artists and future projects.

Maria Dimova is an illustrator from the Republic of Moldova. Her feminine portraits may be inspired by the fantasy litterature she reads. I love the way she plays with black and white adding some touch of color like red and blue. She seems particuliary focused on hair, with elaborate haidressing waving softly and magically…  (Version française de cet article disponible ici)

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5 artists you should follow during Inktober

You are an Inktober fan ? Let’s discover five talentuous artists. You won’t regret it, their art is stunning brilliant.

Inktober is beginning this Monday (1st of October). Artist who accepts the challenge must produce a drawing every day. And every year, in October, we can be delighted by hundreds and thousands of drawings… So, if you have pens, brushes, markers and pencils, you can try this creative challenge too!

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Inktober is coming ! (A game of tones)

When Ned Stark meets Jake Parker, you know something is coming… Guests artists are Maria Dimova, Valerie Bastille, Dimitris Pantazis and Konstantin Vavilov.

It was a few days before the first of October. I was searching ideas for my new blog article to come. It was about Inktober, and I wanted something fresh and original, but nothing was coming. I looked at the white page on my laptop, I sighed, move the mouse on the desktop and launch the pilot of Game of Thrones. Yes, I am a procrastinator, I confess. I was bored. I was tired. I felt asleep.

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Lost in Gnose Station : entretien avec Pacôme Thiellement

Plongez pour 43 minutes dans l’univers de Lost. Il y sera aussi question de Philip K Dick, de Farîd al Dîn Attâr, de Damon Lindelof, de séries plus ou moins recommandables comme The Leftovers, Westworld ou FlashForward… et de gnose, bien sûr !

A l’occasion des Utopiales, le Festival de Science-Fiction de Nantes, j’ai rencontré Pacôme Thiellement, membre du jury de la de la compétition internationale de court-métrages. Lors de conférences, Pacôme a discuté autour de sujets qui le passionnent : Twin Peaks, Lost et L’exégèse de Philip K. Dick.

Continuer à lire … « Lost in Gnose Station : entretien avec Pacôme Thiellement »
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Inktober, the month of Artists

Inktober is a great month to discover the drawing world of artists. Meet Benjamin Basso, Dyru, Tomi Dzurovski, Enrique Rivera, Konstantin Vavilov. Have a look at their art, read interviews to learn more about them.

Let’s continue to visit the world of Inktober, which brightens up this October with the graphic production of tens of thousands of amateur and professional illustrators. You’ve read the previous article, so you know the rules of the challenge created by Jake Parker : produce a drawing every day, possibly inspired by a prompt list. 

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Inktober, the spring of Artists

Inktober : drawing is sharing ! Let’s discover seven great artists I found, thanks to Jake Parker’s challenge. Ready, Steady, Draw !

October, its rain, its mushrooms, and its millions of cartoonists making us dream, publishing a drawing every day. October is a delicious month because of Inktober… and Halloween is coming too… and us, frenchies, can celebrate comics at Quai des Bulles (a comics festival in a cute medieval city : Saint-Malo).

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A la recherche de Chiara Bautista (Ep. 3)

Découvrez mes images préférées de Chiara Bautista, mystérieuse illustratrice à l’univers enchanteur.

En relisant mes articles consacrés à ChiaraBautista, je me suis aperçu que je n’avais pas présenté ici mes images préférées : la série avec la femme masquée, le loup étoilé et les lapins. C’est d’autant plus étrange que cet univers imaginaire crée par Chiara Bautista a beaucoup influencé l’écriture de certainsde mes contes à rebours. Alors réparons cet oubli là, maintenant tout de suite !

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La flûte à 69 trous : où il est question de lunaison, d’exposition, de Miss France et de Wikipedia

Vous prendre bien une petite dose d’humour absurde ?

« Pierre et Gisèle ne pourront pas venir mercredi prochain. Gisèle a pris deux billets pour une exposition temporaire au Musée d’Orsay.
– Une expo sur quoi ?
– Un truc de peintres… Lire la suite ->

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Ecrivain. Amour. Angoisses.

C’était un écrivain.

Un costaud, un malin.

Il écrivait depuis des années.

Quand Blanche, dans sa vie est entrée…

Lire la suite ->

Bleus Blues

« Je porte toujours la trace des bleus et je me souviens… » Un courte histoire narrant les amours d’un navigateur.

Je porte toujours la trace des bleus et je me souviens…

Toi, allongée sur le sable, un livre à la main, dans cette crique inaccessible, un lieu à l’abri des regards. Moi, seul sur mon voilier, j’admirais le paysage. Tu t’es levée, affichant fièrement ta nudité, et tu m’as souri, irrésistible. Un instant inoubliable.

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Une dystopie humoristique inspirée par mon bannissement de Twitter pour des raisons aussi infondées qu’absurdes. Merci de la partager sur les réseaux. sociaux.

France, 1979. Dans une réalité alternative.

Les doigts de Francis tapotent sur l’étui de sa guitare. Une demi-heure qu’il attend dans le hall de la maison de disque. L’hôtesse d’accueil lui adresse enfin un regard et sourit.

– Monsieur Cabrel ? Veuillez me suivre s’il vous plait.

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Vampire Sobre [Writober – Episode 4]

Découvrez tous les secrets de David Bowie dans l’épisode 4 de mon Writober 2019.

« We can be heroes
For ever and ever
What d’you say? »

L’unique spot éclairait l’élégante silhouette du dandy. Il chantait avec toute la passion et l’énergie de son éternelle jeunesse.

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The Enchanting Curse

Once upon a time a famous tale character is talking about her sleep to a therapist… A short story illustrated by a drawing of Dimitris Pantazis.

It’s a new year and I want to try something different. I will post on my blog short stories illustrated by the great artists I discovered.
Let’s begin with a « Once upon a time… » story and one Inktober drawing from a great storyteller artist: Dimitris Pantazis.

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Inktober 2018: 31 Shades of Art (Episode 3)

Discover five other talentuous artists from the greatest drawing challenge of the year Inktober. This article features Sweeney Boo, Enrique Rivera, Konstantin Vavilov, Anna Meshchanova and Lydia Fenwick.

Today you will discover five other of my 31 favourite artists from Inktober 2018. They all have different styles, different universes, but they have one thing in common : a great artskill
Enjoy this graphical ride 🙂

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